There are several different types of breast implants available for patients with specialized or unique preferences.  Implants differ from material and the way they are applied, but they serve the same purpose in delivering a more prominent breast shape.

Saline implants are produced from silicone material and are composed of saltwater solution.  The shells can be filled during or before the operation.  They are FDA-approved and create more firm breasts than implants using gel. The surgeon can adjust the volume of saltwater in the implants during the procedure.  Patients can have saline implants in a smooth or textured form.

While saline breast implants are considered safe by the FDA, they can still leak or become hardened.  Be sure to schedule a follow-up visit if you notice any issues with your implants.

The other type of breast implants are silicone.  These are also approved by the FDA and use a silicone shell filled with cohesive gel.  They can be provided in various shapes and textures.  Patients can choose to have texture similar to breast tissue, which allows them to enjoy a natural appearance.  The gel can also reduce the probability of ruptures.

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